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  • [Registrante] : 長浜市
  • [Idioma]日本語
  • [Área]滋賀県 長浜市
  • Fecha registrada : 2024/07/03
  • Fecha de Publicación : 2024/07/03
  •   ;: fecha de cambio2024/07/03
  • Vista de Página. : 


Beware of food poisoning

Bacteria, which are the main cause of food poisoning, multiply from the rainy season through to summer when temperatures and humidity are high.
To prevent food poisoning, pay attention to the following three principles:

● Don't let bacteria get on your food.
Wash your hands carefully and sterilize cooking utensils to prevent bacteria from getting on your food.

● Don't let bacteria on your food multiply.
Put fresh foods such as meat and fish, as well as prepared foods, in the refrigerator immediately after purchasing and store them at a low temperature.

● Kill bacteria on food and cooking utensils.
Try to heat not only meat and fish, but also vegetables as much as possible before eating.

Shimin katsuyakuka: 65-8711


Shimin katsuyakuka@ 0749-65-8711


Vivinavi - Municipio

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